
Usually the sales commissions are imported into Eclipse Payroll of become payable when the sale/deal has been finalised. However, if you want to pay commissions prior to finalising the sale/deal you can do it by following the steps below.

How to set up salespersons commission prior to finalising the sale

Create a stock cost for commission & point it to the commission account as image below.

-          To create the stock cost navigate to the “Stock Maintenance” button & click on vehicle cost. You will be able to create a new cost within this screen.




 When adding the cost to the stock make sure the supplier is the staff member who will be paid the commission.



You will need an Ultimate Business Systems programmer to go in the background and ensure it only pulls through the “SN reference”

On the stock card it will look like this



It will then pull through to payroll (below image) to be paid.



Downloadable PDF Document

This page in a downloadable document format - How-To Set Up Salespersons Commission Prior To Finalising The Sale.pdf