
This page is dedicated to explaining the many features within the Stock Lookup Screen.

On this page:

Related pages:

Stock Lookup Screen Explained In Detail






  • You can also right click on any stock item to display options is a list format. (see picture below)



 1.     The top section of the stock look up screen is dedicated to multiple search filters you can use when searching for a stock item. Using a search filter will give you a more exact result when searching for a specific stock item.


 2.     This section has multiple tabs that are relevant to different categories of stock. For example the "Current" tab will display all the stock you currently have in stock (stock with a status of normal), the "Pending & Trade-ins" tab will display all your trade-ins that haven't come into stock yet & all pending stock that isn't in stock yet (stock with a status of pending), the "All" tab will display all your stock regardless of a status including your sold stock.


 3.     The middle section of the screen is where all your stock will be displayed. In this section there are multiple columns that display different information related to your stock. For example the stocks registration number, make, model, odometer, asking price, ect. These columns can be moved or customized to display a variety of different information related to your  stock.

For more details on customizing the Stock Lookup screen look at the section below.


 4.     The bottom section of this screen has a dashboard of shortcut buttons that can do a variety of actions related to the stock item you highlight. The actions range from editing the stock, viewing the stock card related to a stock, selling the stock or even doing a PPSR search on the stock you have highlighted.

For more information on PPSR searches follow this link - PPSR Processing

Customizing the Stock Lookup Screen 





Use your mouse and right click on the column heading bar. This will display a list of all available columns and whether they have ticks next to them. Ticks indicate that that column is displayed.
So that you can customize the layout of this column for your purposes simply tick on or off the columns you want to display of hide.


Part of your options includes being able to move the columns around and putting them in whichever order you like. You can also an reset to the Default layout through the 'Columns Mode' feature.


Any changes you make to the layout of your Stock Lookup Screen is not database specific so the changes will only be made on your computer.




Use your mouse to right click on any of the tabs in the stock lookup screen; Current, Current & Recent, Pending & Trade-ins, ect. This will pop up a list of all the tabs. The ones with tick's next to them will appear within your stock lookup screen.

If you want to remove any of the tabs from appearing within your stock lookup screen, you can do so by un-ticking it from the list.