
This page is dedicated to explaining the features within the SMS History Screen.

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Client Contact History Screen Explained

The client contact history screen will display all the history of communication that has been recorded with a client via Phone or SMS.



 1. The top section of the Client Contact History screen has multiple search filters you can use when searching through your client history. Using a search filter will give you a more exact result when searching for a specific communication.


 2. This section of the screen is where all your Client Contact History is displayed. There are multiple columns that display different information related to your client contact history. For example; Client Name, Contact Date, Contact type, ect. These columns can be customized to display a variety of different information columns.

For more details on customizing the Client Contact History screen look at the section below.


 3. These 2 buttons can be used to either Edit Communication or Record Communication. These actions will be related to the client you have highlighted in the middle section of this screen.

Customizing the Client Contact History Screen




Use your mouse and right click on the column heading bar. This will display a list of all available columns and whether they have ticks next to them. Ticks indicate that that column is displayed.
So that you can customize the layout of this column for your purposes simply tick on or off the columns you want to display of hide.