
This page is dedicated to helping you understand all the features within Eclipse that are related to the management of your clients & suppliers. The client screen can be accessed in all the Eclipse modules & has multiple actions that can be performed in it.


Understanding The Client Details Screen

Client Details

The 'Client Details' screen is a multifaceted screen in that you can enter in all the clients details or alternatively enter in a supplier/dealer who has an ABN/ACN. This screen will manage all types of clients. If you deal with a person or an entity then they will need to be entered via this screen. (the fields shown in red are mandatory fields & must be entered for this screen to save)

Secondary Client

The 'secondary' tab can be used when the person buying the vehicle is not going to be the registered owner. Having a vehicle registered in your name does not mean you own the vehicle. Sometimes companies will purchase a vehicle that their staff might drive and the vehicle might be registered to that individual staff member. Other times it might be the father buying a vehicle for his daughter or son and wants the vehicle to be registered in the Daughter or Son's name.




Other Contacts

The 'Other Contacts' tab allows you to add multiple contacts for the one client. You can also edit the contact if their details change or delete the contact if they are no longer a point of contact for this client.

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The 'Profile' tab is for you to enter a Profile Field, Referral source, Buyer, Seller & Sale Classification against the client.

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Bank Details

The 'Bank Details' tab is used to store the clients bank account or credit card information. (The bank account details stored in this section are used when making a batch payment or you can refer back to it when manually making an EFT payment. The credit card details aren't utilised anywhere in the system, they are just used to refer back to) 

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Marketing/Other Info

The 'Marketing/Other Info' tab is where you can tick a box to stop this client receiving marketing material or SMS's. (each tick box has got a blue question mark that you can click on and get detailed information on what this will do)

You can also enter in the clients Occupation & Employer in this section.

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There are 3 sections in the 'Notes' tab. The notes box, client category & client follow up. Through here you can manually enter in notes against the client, assign the client to a category & allocate a client follow up date with a reason.

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Accounts Payable

This tab allows you to enter your Creditor terms and set your preferred transaction methods, if the client is a creditor.

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Accounts Receivable

This tab is where you can enter any accounts receivable information against the client.

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Client Detail Screen Explained In Detail

Other Contact

To add another contact person for a particular client you need to press the 'Add Contact' button, fill in the client contact page & press the 'save' button.



Once you have saved the Client Contact screen the new contact will now appear in the grid with all their contact details visible.



You can now either enter another contact, edit any of the contacts details that has already been entered or delete any of the clients entered by using the 'Add, Edit or Delete Contact' buttons on the bottom of the screen.






Profile Field - Set the profiles within the maintenance section of Eclipse. Profiles might be age groups for prospects. Any other extra information that can be used to help determine the demographic of your prospective client base. Can help to determine why you are selling vehicles to specific groups of people and how that tie into the sales people you currently have.



Referral Source - In some dealerships/brokers they need to keep track of the referral source for the payment of spotter fees. Some of these dealerships/brokers have a number of institutions that pass on clients looking for a vehicle for a fee. Enter these referral sources here.



Buyer/Seller - This is the buyer or the seller assigned to the prospect.


Sale Classification - Here you can select wether a sale classification against the client. e.g. Retail, Wholesale, Fleet, Government, ect.


Bank Details

Bank Account Details

Bank Name - Enter the Bank Name here.

Branch Name - Enter the bank branch name here.

BSB - Enter the BSB number for the bank here. The first two digits of this six digit number is the bank identifier and the last four digits are the branch.

Account No - Enter the Account Number here.

Account Name - Enter the Account Name here.



Credit Card

Card No - Enter the Credit Card number here.

Name on Card - Enter the name on the Credit Card here.

Type - Select type of Credit Card here. (visa, mastercard, Amex)

Expiry - Enter the Credit Card expiry date here.

Marketing/Other Info

Marketing/SMS Options

Do Not Contact For Follow Up - Do not contact this customer when performing follow-up on sale events (Sales/Service/Parts).

Do Not Send SMS messages - Do not send SMS messages to this client for reminders/bookings.

Do Not Send Marketing Material - Do not contact this customer for marketing purposes/promotions. Note: If you use 'Letter Gen' (UBS Report Writer) you will need to exclude these customers within the 'Letter Gen' when writing.




Enter the clients Occupation & Employer information here.

This information is required for the Queensland Contract. The purchaser's Occupation and Employer are taken from here and printed on the standard sale contract provided within Eclipse.



Notes box - Enter any details pertinent to this client. It does not go on any paperwork and stays in the system. It's your way of managing an ongoing relationship with the client.



Client Category - This is to group this client into a specific category. Usually this is for clients that have a type of prospect. E.g. is the client after a new or used vehicle or both. You could set this to "USED", "NEW" or "USED" and "NEW". The 'Define' button allows you to create your own category.


Client Follow Up - After selling a vehicle it's a good idea to manage a follow up at regular intervals to keep in touch with the client. Enter the date for follow up here and then this client will appear on the client lookup report for the date requested. The reason field allows you to define the reason for a follow up. Through the 'Define' button you can create a list of different reasons for the follow ups.



Accounts Payable

Aging Starts from End of Month - Some clients will have creditor terms with you that start from the date you receive the invoice and some from the end of the month. It defaults to the days after receiving the bill but checking this option will cause the aging for this client's invoices to you to start from the end of the month the invoice was received.


Purchase Order Number - This allows you to make a Purchase order number mandatory for this supplier so a invoice cannot be created without a purchase order number given.

Default Payment Method - Setting the Transaction method means setting the way that client is normally paid.


Default Payment Ref - Allows you to have a default Payment Reference for that supplier, ie some supplies like you to use an account number so they know the money received is from you.

Default Bank Account - Allows you to choose a bank account from which you would normally pay this supplier from.

Accounts Payable Contact - If you have 'Other Contacts' saved against the client you can select the accounts payable contact from here.

Accounts Receivable

Credit Limit - Is the amount the client is limited to spending on "Account" before making a payment.



Terms and Leeway (days) - The 'Terms' box allows you to set how many days the account is. ie; 30 days and the 'Leeway' box allows you to make the terms soft so that it might be 7 days terms but you allow them an extra 3 days before flagging the debt.


Stop Credit - Allows you to stop anything being invoiced to this client. (only applies when debtors monitoring is on)


Debtor Follow-Up Staff Member - Allows you to allocate a staff member as the follow up person for this client.



Debtor Statement Grouping - In this section you can allocated this client to a customised 'Debtor Statement Group'. You can create your own debtor statement groups by clicking on the box with the 3 dots to the right of this section.

 (once a client is allocated to a debtor group you can search for all debtor invoices within a particular debtor group)

Cash / Special Purpose Client - Some clients that you obtain money off are cash clients and do not run an account with you. You do not want them to appear in your invoice run as they will never have any outstanding money.


Send Invoice Via

Post - Sending the Invoice. This only relates to Non Vehicle sales invoices and for a no vehicle sales invoice run. Eclipse can manage debtor batch processing and selecting this option can force the invoice to be printed to be posted.

Fax - Selecting this option will force the invoice to be faxed using your computer. You MUST have Windows XP and have a fax line into the computer.

E-Mail - Selecting this option for the client will force the invoice to be emailed to the recipient. Make sure that the email address HAS been entered for this client.

Accounts Receivable Contact - You can select an accounts receivable contact for this client from the contacts you entered in the 'Other Contacts' tab. (this contacts details will be visible on the Remittance Advise and Cheques, if applicable)

Encumber Stock Sold to this Client (PROMPT) - If you tick this box, a message will appear in the PPSR section of the paperwork screen telling you: You have flagged this client as REQUIRING a Security Interest to be registered on PPSR for each sale.