
In this page you will get a full explanation of the Client Lookup Screen and the functions of it's buttons.

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Understanding the Client Look Up Screen

The 'Client Lookup' screen is a central screen that can be accessed through all the Eclipse modules. There are 3 main sections to this screen:


 1. In this section you can search for a particular client or supplier by entering the client/suppliers name in the 'Search for' section and clicking the binoculars button of pressing enter on your key board. You can also filter your search through the other drop down menus in this section.


 2. Here you will see a list of all your clients/suppliers or if you search for a particular name that client of multiple clients/suppliers with that name will appear here. You can customize this section by right click on the heading of any column & it will show you a list of other columns available to view in this screen.


 3. Here is a dashboard of buttons that allow you to do different actions from adding in a new client/supplier, editing an existing client/supplier, deleting a client/supplier or even merging duplicate clients/suppliers.

Client Lookup Screen Explained In Detail


  • You can also right click on any client to display options in a list format. (see picture below) 


 1. Search Filters

Refresh - Refreshes the client lookup screen.

Filters: Type - Use this drop down option to display ONLY the type of client you want to search for.

Search For - Enter any part of a Name or number to filter based on the details supplied.

(you can also search for part of a name or number by putting an * in the front of your search)

Buyer or Seller - This is used to select either "BUYER OR SELLER", "BUYER" or "SELLER". Simply, using this filter you can display all clients that either bought or sold to a single sales consultant.

Is - When you select a "BUYER OR SELLER" you then need to let Eclipse know who the buyer or seller is.

(Select the individual for whom you would like to see all client interaction they have been involved in)

Include Inactive Clients - Include all clients that have been set to inactive.

Show Only Inactive Clients - This field only becomes available if the "Include Inactive Clients" check box is checked. If you do check this only those clients you have set as inactive will display.

Print List - This button allows you to print the list of clients you have visible in the client lookup screen.  

Clear Filters - Clears all the filters you may have selected or entered within this screen.

 2. Dashboard

- Adds a new client.

Edit - Edits a client details.

View - Views a client details.

Delete - Deletes a client.  This is only available if you have not performed any transactions involving this client.

(if there are transactions against this client but you want to remove them from the list you will need to edit the client & mark them as inactive)

Merge - Merges two clients together.

(e.g. if you have entered in the same client twice)

Print - Prints the client list.

(this list will be grouped under each letter of the alphabet) 

Send SMS - Allows you to send a SMS to client if you have a mobile number in the client profile, and you have an account to send SMS's with us.

Exit - This will close the screen.

Customising the Column Layout



Use your mouse and right click on the column heading bar. This will display a list of all available columns and whether they have ticks next to them. Ticks indicate that that column is displayed.
So that you can customise the layout of this column for your purposes simply tick on or off the columns you want to display of hide.


Part of your options includes being able to move the columns around and putting them in whichever order you like. You can also an reset to the Default layout through the 'Columns Mode' feature.