About this section
Clients within Eclipse can be accessed and managed from multiple Eclipse modules: Stock & Accounting, Service, Parts and CRM. Through the clients section in Eclipse you will have access to a variety of functions and features like the client list, add client, client search, client deals (Eclipse parts & service) and client bar codes (Eclipse parts). 

Clients Through Eclipse Stock & Accounting

The clients section within Eclipse Stock & Accounting will appear under the Stock/Sales tab, Accounts Payable tab and the Accounts Receivable tab. The client search button will only appear under the Stock/Sales tab.

Clients Through Eclipse Service

The client section within Eclipse Service appears under the Service Control Centre tab. Through here you can manage your client list & client deals.

Clients Through Eclipse Parts

The client section within Eclipse Parts appears under the Sell Parts tab and the Purchase Parts tab. Through here you can manage your client list, client deals & client barcodes.

Clients Through Eclipse CRM

The client section within Eclipse CRM will appear under the Campaigns tab. Through here you can manage your client list, add a client and access the client search feature.