
There are a lot of reports in the Eclipse system. Don't you wish you could have a list of reports which were just the ones you are interested in, with the sort and grouping options that you alway use pre-selected? Well, you can. The My Reports facility allows you to have such a list. 

On this page:

Related pages:

Creating a New 'My Reports' Group

 1.     The 'Add New Empty Group' button will pop up the 'Add New Empty Group' screen for you to name you new group.

2.     Enter the name for your report group in the 'New Group Name' section. (For this example we have called our new group 'Stock Reports') 

 3.     Click the 'OK' button after naming your new group. This will save & create your new report group.

Your new 'Report Group' will now appear on the left hand side of the 'My Reports'  screen.

Adding Reports To Your 'My Reports' Group

 1. The arrows will expand the options related to the report group you have created.

 2. Use the 'Add New Report' option to add a report.

 1. Select your favourite or most commonly used/needed reports from the available reports in any of the tabs/categories. 

 2. Set the Parameters, Sort Options & Grouping/Options for each report. (these settings will be saved against the report in the 'My Reports' menu)

 3. 'OK' will save your selected report with the options you have selected.


 1. All the reports you have saved will sit here. (you can edit your reports default options by right clicking on the reports in this screen)

How To Run a Report From Your 'My Reports' List

 1. Select the report you would like to run.

 2. Press the 'Re-run Report' button. (you can edit your report parameters, sort options & grouping/options in this section also)

 3. The report you have run will now appear in the bottom half of this screen.