
You must reconcile all bank accounts 

Make sure parts, service and sales reconcile their takings and give them to you in a timely manner for job every day

Do any other banking transactions during the day and go to the bank everyday

Process any invoices that have made it to your desk that have not been processed

Make any payments such as Telstra, electricity etc.

Check to see if any floorplan payments need to be attended to

Check to see if any trade in payouts are required

Process any new incoming stock, make sure you are careful with chassis numbers, VIN numbers and trust receipt numbers for floorplan

Make sure that any stock that has been delivered has its status changed from pending

Keep on top of moving delivered stock to finalised, make sure all the associated costings are where they should be.  All sold stock should be finalised within a couple of days of the actual delivery.


Payroll, make sure managers advise you of any overtime, bonuses, commissions, sick leave or holidays in a timely manner, most make it the last job of the day before payroll is processed


Pay and reconcile super payment

Reconcile the following

  1. Debtors
  2. Creditors
  3. Security Deposits (Pending and Held to your pending sales report)
  4. Stock
  5. Floorplan
  6. Parts to service clearing (compare the ledger to your open RO report)
  7. Sublet Clearing account
  8. Workshop Labour account

When everything is tidy process the GST (around the 18th day of the month if you pay GST Monthly) & PAYG

Ensure you lock the accounting periods for all departments under options