In this example, we will be using Walter Wailmer, a Technician. They will be getting a promotion to Service Manager; within this transition, we will need to upgrade their permissions to suit their new job title to be able to fulfil their duties in this new role. Firstly, we will be revisiting the 'job title' field in the Staff Details window and changing it from Technician to Service Manager, click on the drop-down highlighted and select that. Once that is done, we will need to click on 'assign security roles' again, prompting the permissions window to open, highlighted below.

Once we open the permissions window, we will click on Service Manager, ensuring we are selecting the branches of the business that these changes will be applying to in Eclipse. After we've done both of these changes, click 'save' and then we are done. Eclipse will then prompt the administrator changing the staff roles that the affected user won't have their permissions/role changes until they log-out of the program. On the administrator side, these changes will appear as shown below.

Please note that the old roles still visible do not have any effect on the user we are applying these changes to, all that matters is the superseding security roles that we have assigned to the staff member.