After we've selected the staff member, shown above, we will start to add security roles to their staff details. This will enable permissions on them with what they can and cannot view, add or edit within Eclipse. Firstly we will need to alter this interface, making changes to the job title, main branch (if applicable), initials for reporting. Secondly, we will need to give them a username and password for them to be able to login to Eclipse. You can make the password whatever you like, as the staff member can change it at their own discretion later. Upon completion of this, we will now assign the new staff security roles; click on 'Assign Security Roles', highlighted above.

Below is the screen that will appear once we do this.

Depending on the role/job title of the staff that we are assigning these permissions to, you will want to select a role on the side of this screen that coincides with the necessary information that they will need access to. When we assign a particular role, a template will show which permissions the staff member will have access to, shown with a green tick. Be sure to select a branch for the employee to be assigned to - if multiple branches apply to the business, you may tick both fields for those employees who have roles or duties within the multiple branches of the business. Above is the example given of a Dealer Principal; in this case, we would want to give them the administrator role so they are able to view/alter anything within their own due diligence.

Below will be an example of the permissions we might assign for a technician.

Once we have decided the role we are filling with the new staff member and given them the correct security roles, we are done with adding new staff into Eclipse. However, there are many times where a staff member might be changing their role or duties within the business. We will go over how we can achieve that within Eclipse in the next section.