Let's talk about adding a new employee into the Eclipse database; with this goal in mind, we need to be familiar with the Staff Menu in Eclipse Stocking & Accounting.

Here we have the menu for Staff - annotated 1-3 for steps that we want to be taking for adding a new Staff member into our system. Firstly, we want to select the tab for Staff at the top of the Eclipse screen. Next, we need to select the Maintain Staff button, this will trigger the menu for staff maintenance  that you see in the screenshot above. Lastly, we will be looking to get into the 'add' function. However, this will take a few more steps to ensure we have our new staff member enrolled into the system adequately.

Now to introduce the 'staff details' menu, this menu will appear after we click on the 'add' button from the prior step.

The 'select' function is highlighted in this screenshot, this will allow you to open up a menu of people available to introduce into our Staff Details menu. Before there is a new staff member to be added to this list; however, we must add them to the system as a 'client'. This is the stage where we will be listing the details of our new staff member and allocating them as 'staff'. Wherein, giving us the ability to begin to give authorities and staff roles to the new employee, enabling them to work in Eclipse.

Once we click on the 'select' function, our screen should be somewhat similar to this.

Where we will be focusing next is highlighted in the screenshot above - this is the Client Lookup menu, the exact same function from the Stock/Sales menu. However, when we are viewing/editing clients through the Staff menu, it will auto-filter to showing Staff only. Once the Client Lookup menu has appeared, we shift our attention to the other highlighted function - 'add client'. This is where we will be adding our new employee into the system and labelling them as a member of staff, so we can proceed as mentioned prior.

On the left is how this screen will appear naturally, only the fields shown in red are mandatory to complete. However, carrying on to completing the other fields is fine, continue at your discretion.
An example of adding a client with minimal details is shown on the right. Once finished with completing the fields that you want to fill in, click 'ok' at the bottom right of the Client Details window; this will exit us out of this window, taking us back to the Client Lookup window. If this window doesn't automatically populate with your new staff member you've added, use the highlighted search function to find them. Once found, hit 'select', highlighted in to screenshot below.

After selection, the 'name' field in Staff Details should populate with aforementioned staff member, this is how it should appear.

Now let's move on to how we can apply security roles/permissions to new staff.