Release Notes
Below are the issues resolved in Eclipse Online ordered by date.
Features and Improvements
Eclipse Online Release 2.5.6 |
Eclipse Online Release 2.5.4 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On a prospect entry screen you could not expand the secondary client section. |
Eclipse Online Release 2.1.0 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed showing Stockcard issue on Mac Safari browser. |
| Device GPS feature is not mandantory. |
| Connection details can be transferred from the app old versions (iOS). |
| Fixed long splashscreen loading time. |
| Connection details can be transferred from the app old versions (Android). |
| Times on Test Drive, Loan Car and Drive Car views are of local. |
| Fixed stock checklist request based on branch. |
Eclipse Online Release 2.0.5 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added features for Parts to edit Group and Classes. |
| Upgraded iOS platform. |
| Upgraded Android platform. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.94.5 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue that users still can using Part entry functions when have no Permission |
| Fixed issue that App Error when user add New Drive for started a Test Drive |
| Fixed issue that happens when user add New Drive for started a Test Drive |
| Fixed issue that print server can not change default printer |
| Fix issue that Eclipse Online App sales list not accurate to desktop |
| Fixed bug saving wrong date of birth with different timezone |
| Fixed issue that 2021 models not showing |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.99 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| System now support checking hashed password for more security. |
| Secure API endpoints. Require server version 8.80 |
| Adding parts to a service order has ability to update quantity. Require Server version 8.80 |
| Adding parts to a service order should come in as Order. Require Server version 8.80 |
| Added feature to allow users to create/update a part |
| Support Record Device Type, Model, OS Version in Audit Login to system |
| Users can now add photos to part from EclipseOnline. Require minimum server version 8.79 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Added condition to prevent user to select stock which is already started in any kind of drive out. Require API server 8.52 |
| Fixed issue when saving new stock with damages |
| User now can input data correctly. |
| Technicians will not be able to alter clock on/off time. Require server version 8.89 |
| Fixed issue with appraisal screen coming back from redbook codes selection |
| Add Appraisal - Users can add Appraisal correctly. |
| Service Clocking - Now user can input data correctly. |
| Fixed issue with saving price for part |
| Fixed issue showing system generated communication |
| Fixed issue when getting back from quote list to prospect detail screen |
| Fixed issue displaying stock details in sale |
| Fixed issue adding part for a job in service booking |
| Fix issue not be able to print part barcode |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.97 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Stock list ranked by status also order by invoice date. Required server 7.71 |
| Sale Entry - Stop credit warning message |
Defects Rectified | |
| Model Year load and set to new enquiry correctly |
| Rego Expiry have expiry until 2050 |
| Floorplan details disappearing after images loaded by Eclipse Online |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.89 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue viewing completed test drive with stock which is currently started on test drive. Required server 7.63 |
| Fixed issue email test drive agreement. Required server 7.63 |
| Fixed issue with Appraisal Entry on Android devices |
| Fixed issue with the label of Stock section in Quote Entry screen not showing correct class of stock. |
| When deleting stock from the stock list, the audit trail was incorrectly recording the stock number reference as the stock id. Requires Eclipse Online Server 7.72 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.79 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When users set the compliance date, change the first registered field accordingly in StockEntry screen. Required server 7.43 |
| Add logic to check for validation entering stock when stock is pending/normal. Required server 7.43 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Stop user from selecting stock that is in a started test drive. Required version 7.48 |
| Check for License Key and Permission when adding quote or sale in Prospect screen. Required server version 7.48 |
| Fixed issue when damage note appears wrong |
| Fixed issue when viewing price of damage |
| Fix font issue in Service Quotes List |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.75 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When adding the used stock, option features price will come up as 0. Required Server API version 7.36 |
| Added another custom stock barcode layout. Required Server API version 7.36 |
| Allow user to have more stock entry mode along with Nevdis search. Required Server API version 7.36 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Stop user from using the same Rego/VIN. Required Server API version 7.36 |
| Fix issue not showing photo of stock in appraisal. Fixed in server API 7.36 |
| Client List should default to favorite tab if there is any records saved as favorite |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.72 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue displaying prospect list |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.70 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added ability to email to appropriate email address when notes are changed or added to stock |
| Add ability to have report template when editing stock |
| Add ability to order transport request when adding stock |
| Added ability to filter by all assigned branches. Required API version 5.99 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue for GST calculation |
| Fixed issue with extras value |
| Pop up warning when user select a sold stock for test drive. Required API version 5.99 |
| Fixed issue when user can not save default printer in settings |
| Fixed issue with stock accessories. Required server 6.95 |
| Fixed sold price display tin stock list. Required Server version 7.01 |
| Fixed issue with displaying Cost in Stock List |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.68 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added status for Pending Consigned. Required Server version 6.90 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue when adding new clients to purchase from select list |
| Change the button to close Note editor to the top for iOS devices |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.67 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Add ability to add Pending Consigned status by allowing user to select stock as Consigned when adding. It will be saved as Pending and display as Pending Consigned |
| Add Incomplete status when adding stock |
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue when displaying cost, not matching with Stock Card |
| Fixed issue when view Stock Valuation |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.65 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added ability to automatically add cost to a stock. The cost are set up using Vendor Config. Required Server 6.47 |
| Added ability to choose status when adding new stock. Apart from Pending, users will have a choice of other status if they set up in Sale Journal. Required Server 6.47 |
| Added ability to use Nevdis Search and match with Redbook code. Required Server 6.47 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed issue when selecting stock for appraisal. Required Server 6.47 |
| Fixed so that user can have proper dashboard based on their license option. Required Server 6.47 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.56 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Photo library button to be added to Service RO |
Defects Rectified | |
| Fixed saving photos in RO goes missing |
| Fixed error when free-typing in a Drive type, Induction type or Fuel type through Eclipse Online |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.55 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Fix issue can not saving RO Type |
| Fixed issue where Tare is missing after saving using Eclipse Online. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.54 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Print Service RO Barcode. Requires Eclipse Online Server 5.77 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.26 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Converting a Quote to a Sale will fail with an error. Issue is within Eclipse Desktop. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1710. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.24 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Add new security for appraisal list and cancel appraisal. Requires EclipseOnline server 5.09 |
| On edit appraisal, change damage rating to new UI. |
| On edit appraisal, Option to Remove Final Valuation. Requires EcliseOnline server 5.07. |
| On appraisal list, allow to cancel appraisal. Requires EclipseOnline server 5.08 |
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit quote vehicle, appear to add accessories, standard feature and factory options. Required EclipseOnline server 4.86 |
| On edit appraisal, Allow another user can unlock and enter value for another valuation. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 5.10 |
| On edit appraisal, new appraisal stock should be Use type. Requires EclipseOnline server 5.13 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.14 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 5.04 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.92.12 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit repair order, show repair order locking by another user. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.96 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.91.01 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On add new appraisal, the valuer list will be load from template. Requires EclipseOnline serve 4.86 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.91 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On stock list, showing bounced vehicles as sold. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.79 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.90 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Two new features are competition setup and prize draw were available on EclipseOnline. Requires EclipseOnline server version 4.74 |
Defects Rectified | |
| On service booking edit, fixed error double posting in Ledger. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.76 |
| On audit trail, EclipseOnline audi log missing server version number. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.77 |
| Add Ro Parts - Saving causes Eclipse Com Adaptor Error (E5008) using Eclipse Desktop Build 1686. Requires Eclipse Desktop Build 1687. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.86 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Can't send email with attach document. Requires EcipseOnline server 4.59. |
| On service loan car entry, display fees tab on simple mode with some simple field. |
| Stock card shows Error 500 when Vehicle Owner is Empty. Requires Eclipse Online Server 4.71. |
| On prospects, can't saving without enable DTC for network access. Requires EclipseOnline 4.73 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.85 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Stock Card will now use the .NET platform to enhance stability and reliability. Requires EclipseOnline Server 4.70.exe. New Stock card will display "Powered By: Eclipse Online" in footer. |
Defects Rectified | |
| Service Loan Car, populating hire driver for Repair Order. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.53. |
| Security for Stock Card costs was using Eclipse Desktop security feature instead of Eclipse Online security feature. Requires Eclipse Online Server 4.72. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.84 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On test drive/service loan car entry, appear search stock via external stock number. Requires EcipseOnline server 4.48. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.82 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Corrected recalculation of sales extra gst when changing the amount. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.78 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On test drive, drive car, loan car and service loan car, add new simple mode with left information and quickly start driving. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.38 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.71 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On sale entry, add new sale from stock which has asking price is 0, the VR price has incorrect value. Require EclipseOnline server 4.36. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.68 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit sale/quote, can't get sale class on select a client which not set client type. Requires EclispeOnline server 4.28 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.67 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On sale edit, sale total price incorrect value. Requires EclipseOnline sever 4.22 |
| On edit quote/sale, missing some default extra. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.28 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.58 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On login screen, can't login with username longer 10 characters. Required EclipseOnline server 5.24 |
| On add/edit repair order, the labour double up. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.13 |
| Save new test drive always creates new prospect. Requires Eclipse Online Server 4.57. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.55 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| New dashboard item - part list, to view all part. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.11 |
| New dashboard item - Part barcode to print barcode for part. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.11. |
| On part list, appear to add and edit part. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.11. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.52 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit repair order, stop saving repair order whilst another user has update it. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.11. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.51 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On test drive and drive car list, appear new security to allow delete test drive/drive car. Requires EclipseOnline 4.11 |
| On edit checklist, appear boolean checklist field. |
| On edit checklist, appear field type Currency and Boolean. |
| New security for add, edit part, view part list and can print part barcode. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.11, Eclipse security 66. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.50 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On stock list, some stock is missed. Requires EclipseOnline sever 4.08. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.49 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Appear request and remove multi checklist for stock, sale and service stock. On checklist, appear checklist filter. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.04. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.48 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On service loan car, test drive, loan car and drive car, appear scan bar-code button for scanning repair order id or stock number. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On dashboard, show message subscription for EclipseOnline has expired. Required EclipseOnline server 4.03. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.47 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On add new stock, default year should be current year. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.01. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.44 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On test drive, drive car, loan car and service loan car entry, appear to save custom stock filter. |
| On edit drive car, show dialog select current login user for the driver. |
| On test drive, loan car, appear security permission. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.99. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On service clocking, fix the error allow clock off a repair order that has been clocked off on Eclipse Service. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.99. |
| On sale edit, add extras with missing account. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.99. |
| On service clocking, can't clock off when EclipseOnline and EclipseOnline server time zone is difference. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.99. |
| On service clocking, the changed note not update after edit service clocking. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1609. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.00. |
| On Eclipse audit trail log, don't log log on user every request. Requires EclipseOnline server 4.00. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.42 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Stock barcode, display serial #. Required EclipseOnline server 3.62. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On stock list, sale list appear branch security filtering. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.89. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.41 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| When selecting a stock item in a sale with a manufacturer model code it would always display no factory options. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.92. |
| On test drive/loan car filter, branch list not update after switch database. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.40 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On stock edit, appear new field bay no. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.85 |
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit repair order, update total estimated time by job estimated times. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.79. |
| On dashboard, appear new service loan car icon. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.84. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.39 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On test drive, appear to set outgoing and return yard location. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.79. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.38 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Barcode layouts will now print in portrait/landscape. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.68; Eclipse Print Server 1.27. |
| On edit stock, appear to edit key cd. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.75 |
| On stock list and stock edit, allow to print multiple barcode layouts. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.68; |
| On loan car list, display repair order id. |
| On edit test drive/loan car, appear new system setting to enable auto exit edit screen on start test drive/loan car. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.69. |
Defects Rectified | |
| New stock added by Jayco dealer was defaulting to 2017. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.81. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.35 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On loan car, disable auto create prospect. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.65. |
| On edit test drive, the prospect create by incorrect staff member. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.65. |
| On edit stock, some data be loss after updated. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.67. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.34 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On edit test drive and loan car, allow to change some information for started test drive / loan car. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.64. |
| On Loan car / Test drive, new system setting to disable auto set staff member is current login user. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.64. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On test drive, licence photo is lost after client information changed by another feature. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.64. |
| On test drive/loan car, miss licence photos after client has been used by another test drive/loan car. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.64. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.32 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On edit test drive and loan car, allow to change some information for completed test drive / loan car. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.63. |
| On edit Test drive / Loan car, selecting repair order appear manual select driver from service. |
| On edit test drive, allow to select business manager. |
| On loan car list, appear new filter loan car by repair order or stock id by scan barcode. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.63. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On test drive / Loan car list, appear new display name for test drive and loan car id. |
| On edit Loan car / Test drive, appear to populate the data from that result instead client. |
| Appear new drive car feature and allow to move the loan car no repair order to drive car. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.63. |
| On edit test drive, the signature can't display. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.62 |
| On edit Loan Car / Test Drive, the additional driver information be lost after remove the primary driver. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.29 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On test drive/loan car, don't auto send email to customer although staff email has been setup. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.61. |
| On edit test drive or loan car, load and update item too slow, get time out error. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.60 |
| On loan car filter, sometime can't load branch list. |
| On edit Loan car, get date time error during saving data. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.60. |
| On loan car list, the saved filter not appear. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.25 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Loan Cars linked to repair orders will now process hire. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.68 |
| Stopping a service loan car will now also return the Service Hire Vehicle. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.68. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.24 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On Test drive/Loan car, can't sign after go to sign on sale or quote. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.06 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On stock list, print stock barcode can't select first printer. |
| On printing, the error no print server setup for server. Requires Eclipse Online server 3.33. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.05 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On test drive edit, license scan make a long time. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.22. |
| Race condition creating the Eclipse Adaptor Cache. "Error Eclipse com cache is disabled. Cannot retrieve cache." Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.28 |
| When viewing the stock list an error "After Parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered" would occur if stock costs contained control characters. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.32. |
| After taping on the email button the following error would occur "apiSalePaperworkEmail.serverId error converting type {null}". Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.31. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.03 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On printing, appear printing by Google Cloud Print server. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.21 |
Defects Rectified | |
| On print paper work, error appear when have more than one print server. |
| Count not add stock, Error 5000 ' stock_enable_normal_validate_yard_location'.Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.26. |
| Tapping on service bookings would throw the following error: Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'. Invalid usage of the option NEXT in FETCH statement. Schema specified is not valid. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.26. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.01 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On add prospect, default value of licence state and referral source will be blank. |
| On repair order detail, the job sort order is incorrect value. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.16. |
| On service booking, fix the timeout error when edit an exist repair order. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.16. |
| On edit repair order, appear error on save after change service schedule of existing job. |
| Error when saving repair order "SRVC_DEFAULT_CHECKLIST_GEN Value '' cannot be converted to type System.Int32". Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.24 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.90.00 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| On sale edit, the delivery date has been appeared. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit prospect, not loading secondary client data. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.98 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Appear to change setting timer for sending notification on server. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.99. |
| Appear on/off auto send test drive email on Start/End on setting. Requires EclipseOnline version 2.99. |
| Allow setup time for sending notification on EclipseOnline server. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.98. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit stock, fix error stock barcode empty data. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.98. |
| Just user who has allowed notification can receive message. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.98. |
| On stock list, could not find a stock from another branch after scan barcode. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.96 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Update Licence Scanning SDK. |
| On prospect list and prospect list filter, appear new prospect type. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.83 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.83. |
| On stock edit, added hold payment field. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.85. |
| On stock edit, appear new mandatory fields for normal stock. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.85. |
| On stock edit, appear duplicate VIN warning. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.83. |
| EclipseOnline auto login on next start up when remember password is ticked. |
| Appear quickly select another database from menu. |
| On stock edit, push notification send to valuer after the stock is entered that has no book or sets of keys less than two. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.85 |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.83. |
| Add new permission to allow change seller on sale edit and buyer (valuer) on stock edit. Requires EclipseOnlinse server 2.85. |
| On stock list and sale list filter, appear new security to allow change purchase by filter. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.85. |
| On stock list, appear search stock by barcode scanner and print stock barcode. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.87. |
| Push Notification Cars In Stock. Requires EclipseOnline server 2.85 |
| On test drive edit, added ability to print or email a copy of the completed test drive form to the customer who is taking the stock item for a test drive. Requires EclipseOnline 2.85 |
| Format the client list and client entry for mobile. |
| On sale/quote edit, appear better design on phone. |
| On stock edit, change notes header to "Update Notes Heading" |
Defects Rectified | |
| Required EclipseOnline server 2.82 |
| Can not use prospect after save filter. |
| Fix problem with white area where status bar is in iOS 11. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.82. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.82. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.67 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| In the service bookings updated the client name to display first name then last name. Also added a new view mode to focus on Rego # when the service stock item has the class 'V' for vehicle. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.69. |
Defects Rectified | |
| The system audit trail was recording stock added from eclipse online with the stock id instead of the stock number. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.69. |
| When adding new service jobs from Eclipse Online the default service sale type and parts sale type were not being set. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.70. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.66 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Viewing the stock card multiple times would hang on android devices and never load. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.68 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.65 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| New system option added which can auto assign the current logged in user as the service advisory after the customer signs the repair order. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.66. Setting "EOL_AUTO_SET_SRVC_ADVISOR". |
| Added the ability to enter the stock odometer into a service booking. |
| Added Tag # (Run Sheet Id) to the service booking screen. |
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit stock, photos dropping after printing. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.66. When adding new stock the acquisition date was being incorrectly set. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.64 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| App error does not happens. user can add color |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.65. Add client security for EclipseOnline. The new function role permission works as expected result. user can/can not add client, edit client, edit surname/Company Name if shared tasks (Eclipse Online) permission is setup correctly. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.63. On stock edit, can't view photo after using Eclipse Desktop save a stock that has added photo from EclipseOnline. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.63 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.62. On test drive edit, the setting of licence detection should be load from EclipseOnline server. |
Defects Rectified | |
| Don't close popup editor when go back on android. |
| On quote edit, can't save quote when not set value for quote price and rrp. |
| On test drive edit, show incorrect terms & condition when signing. |
| Requies EclipseOnline server 2.62 Can't using EclipseOnline after logged in EclipsOnline server. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.62. Can't read terms & condition content with encode format. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.62 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.60 On stock edit, can't search stock option feature. |
| On edit stock, can't delete a stock has features or accessories. |
| On quote edit, can't filter rego (e.g class, model...). |
| On edit stock service, update max length validate for stock transmission. |
| On stock edit, the application is hang when trying to delete photo from the empty photo list. Editing the stock edit on android phone, can't leave stock edit page while EclipseOnline showing the delete photo confirm dialog. |
| On quote edit, hide delete on action menu when add new quote. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.30. Error 5000 when saving new repair order. User now can add new order. |
| On client list, display incorrect client icon. |
| On sale edit, try to delete sale that is converted from a quote the loading don't close. |
| Requires EclipseOnline server 2.60. Update EclipseOnline server to allow send multiple email addresses separated by semicolon, comma and space bar. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.61 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| In edit prospect, add the ability to edit status date and schedule. |
| Required Eclipse Server 2.59 Dashboard icon now display by your licence key. |
Defects Rectified | |
| Signature load incorrect. |
| On edit stock, can not add duplicate feature on standard feature and optional feature. |
| When printing repair orders from eclipse online a second copy would be send to the printer on some servers. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1511. |
| Allow client and prospect can have multiple email addresses. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.60 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Fix the problem can't leave service booking when view Ros from stock Checklist. |
| Requires Eclipse Sever 2.57 On save edit, using temporary stock number for trade-ins. |
| Requires EclipseOnline sever 2.58. Display current EclipseOnline and EclipseOnline server version of current user login on audit trail. |
| Don't display delivery date on sale list. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.56 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Update validation for stock, VIN length should be 17. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.55 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Used caravans now populate the correct auto added sales extras. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.55. |
| Delivery time is moved anytime save sale |
| EclipseOnline is stuck when add new client for stock purchase from. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.51 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added new option to enable stock entry wizard mode. This allows a faster process of bringing items in stock. User will select the Make, Model, Year from a series of screens and then will be presented with RedBook model options.Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.49. Requires Redbook data service. |
| Added new filters to the stock list for "purchased by" and "sold by". Also added new list type filter "sold" to display sold stock only. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.49 |
| Added ability to upload stock photos from your camera roll. |
Defects Rectified | |
| Editing a sale from Eclipse Online that had an estimated delivery time set in Eclipse Desktop would cause the date to be removed. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.49 |
| Adding a new stock item, saving, then re-editing the same item would cause the valuer dropdown to only display one salesman. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.49 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Add new option to enable various required fields when adding new pending or normal stock. E.g. Rego required, VIN required. Eclipse Online server 2.49. |
| Added colour to the stock list items. Requires Eclipse Online server 2.49. |
| Font size for stock/sale lists and stock entry was increased for iPhone 6 and higher. |
| Added new field for number of keys and if the vehicle has books in stock entry screen. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.46 |
Defects Rectified | |
| When refining the stock list the filters where showing blank values instead of "all" description. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.44 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| User can change value of Retail to Wholesale in Edit Sale correctly. |
| Sale - sale total number now displays correct when user edit a sale. |
| Extra items display correct extra code information. |
| Sale - Values in "Note" area can be deleted correctly when user press "x" button. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.43 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| When create service clocking if you select RO an error TypeError. |
| When editing an existing ro that contains service jobs with templates attached a primary key error would display. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.22 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.38 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| In stock list, display vehicle total cost for user has permission |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.34 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| In edit sale, remove trade-in the error can't foreign key couldn't null has been fixed. |
| Service booking appearing on incorrect days |
| Add quote from test drive list, quote price is not set value from its stock |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.32 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Missing some database column. Requires EclipseOnline server 3.63 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.31 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| In edit test drive, add the ability to show warning when licence was expired. |
| In add Ro, add the ability to on/off auto create job |
| Add the ability to view ro list from Checklist list and filter by stock |
| In edit stock, add the ability to edit GVM |
| In check list, display acquisition client of the stock item |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.30 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| In edit service repair order, edit job the error job description not have carriage format after append text. |
| On Service quote filter added new branch option to be able to filter all branch |
| When adding service schedules from Eclipse Online and then viewing the Invoice in Eclipse Desktop labour and consumable lines are not displayed. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1449. |
| Adding a service schedule to a repair order in the dealership clients name was defaulting the job type to customer instead of internal. |
| Fifth row on dashboard icons was running out on alignment in portrait mode. |
| In edit sale, edit deposit added cheque payment type. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.29 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Display computer name of Eclipse Online Server on the Application Information window. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.10 |
| Added new function 'Add Ro Parts' which allows parts to be added to repair orders. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.10 & Eclipse Desktop 1446. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.24 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added the Sales Extra Schedule to Sale Paperwork. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.04 & Eclipse Desktop 1441. |
| When editing a client from a sale or quote the date of birth field has been added for the primary and secondary client. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.04. |
Defects Rectified | |
| When editing an existing sale with a trade-in the description of the stock item is blank and editing the trade-in loads the incorrect stock number. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.04. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.23 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| You can now view Service Quotes from Eclipse Online and convert them into a Repair Order. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.03 & Eclipse Desktop 1441. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.22 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| In a stock checklist, now user can clear incorrect checklist value. |
| On service booking screen, abilities to search by stock number and by all days on this list were added Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.03 |
| When saving a quote/sale, requires select a source of sale if that is enabled on Eclipse Desktop. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.03 |
| On sale list screen add a menu to view stock card for any item on this list. Requires Eclipse Online Server 2.03 |
Defects Rectified | |
| In a stock/sale, for editing a stock or vehicle for sale, when we enter rego if it exist in stock all its data will automatically appear. |
| Stock Checklist: Fixed the Vin not displaying issue. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.19 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When Eclipse Online Server requires an upgrade to the Eclipse Desktop application it will now display the computer name requiring the update. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.98 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Eclipse Online was using the incorrect reference number for sales extras. It was also not apply the correct creditors account against the sale extra. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.91. |
| Fixed Eclipse Online Desktop can not edit Terms & Conditions. Required Eclipse Server version 1.94 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.13 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| In a quote/sale when discounts are enabled and drive away pricing is applied it is being applied as a discount rather then adjusting the original RRP. Also added new label to factory options to display the amount that stamp duty applies too. Requires Eclipse Online server 1.91 |
| In a quote/sale when adding a new Jayco RV the year was defaulting to 2016 instead of the current year, 2017. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.91 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.11 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Add new feature Stock Checklist Requires Eclipse Server 1.77 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.107 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On stock edit, appear easy to see HIN when change the class. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.106 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On edit sale, the deal deposit has change incorrect after add aftercare for sale on Eclipse Stock & Accounting. Requires Eclipse Stock & Accounting build 1542. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.105 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On add prospect, prospect status and staff not select first value. |
| When saving an RO the default service checklist was not being attached and thus the workshop controller screen was not showing any checklist steps. Default checklist must be setup in Service System Options. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.11 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.103 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On switch databases, can't using the app after change database unsuccessful. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.102 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| If a branch in the system has the default PPSR username of " |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.100 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Adding a new sale would cause an error on the IsCommissionLocked field. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.04. |
| When system option "Mark RO as In Progress at the time of Printing" was enabled ro's were not being marked as in progress. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.06. |
| In Service Bookings if an empty priority code is selected and you attempt to save the RO an error "string or binary data would be truncated" appears. Requires Eclipse Online Server 3.08. |
| On prospect edit, appear error during add new communication. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.89.0 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Checking vehicles available in stock when adding a trade-in to quote and type rego or chassis numbers. Required Eclipse Server 1.73 |
| Added ability to set branch from service ro edit screen Required Eclipse Server 1.73 |
| Added ability to filter service bookings list by branch Required Eclipse Server 1.73 |
| On the stock list refine screen added new sort options to be able to sort by stock number, build year, purchase date and make |
| - Add Label field for Add Stock page. - Required Eclipse Server 1.73 |
| In edit stock, add new fields: Rego expiry & 1st Registered Required Eclipse server 1.73 |
| Able to customize the service signature terms Required Eclipse server 1.74 |
Defects Rectified | |
| Checklist Group & Items where still displaying when inactive. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.91 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.88.1 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Entering prospect secondary information without a secondary surname would not save the licence details. Also the licence state was not saving even with a secondary client surname entered. |
| When receiving a phone call or a quick network dropout the Contact Reminder check would throw an error "Request Error (Status: 0). An error has occurred with your request. Please check your internet connection." |
| Selecting a class of Motor on a package item in a quote would throw an error "TypeError: nul is not an object (evaluating 'a.down("txtBuildDate").setHidden')" |
| If dealerships' PPSR password was set to the default text of ' |
Eclipse Online Release 1.88.0 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added secondary date of birth to the prospect entry screen. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.68. |
Defects Rectified | |
| From the stock list if you save the first stock items and attempt to enter a second item after the selection of the make you will receive "error evaluating null of p.down" |
| When ending a second stock item the build and compliance year would be remain from the previous stock item. |
| Saving a new stock item with a series greater then 25 characters would cause an entity validation error in User Recently Used. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.72 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.85 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Sales created from EclipseOnline will now appear in the Jayco Sales Report. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.69 & Eclipse Desktop 1410. |
| Customers signature will now print onto the repair order. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1403. If you have a customised repair order the Ultimate Support Team will need to add the signature onto your customised layout. |
| Customers signature will now print onto the contract. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1403. If you have a customised contract the Ultimate Support Team will need to add the signature onto your customised layout. |
| - Allow users to sort by enquiry date and contact date on the prospect list. - Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.65 |
| - Add stock number to the sale list. |
| Your customers can now sign sales with only their finger. Also supports the adding of custom terms and conditions. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.64 |
Defects Rectified | |
| When checking include factory options from the include on-road costs screen pricing was not being calculated correctly. |
| Deleting a signed sale in Eclipse Online or Eclipse Desktop would throw error: (E5008) Error Changing Workflow status code: ''. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1403. |
| Printing the default Landscape Queensland Caravan Contract prints in portrait across the top of the page. Requires Eclipse Online Printing 1.09 |
| Edit sale with supply and fit cost which has decimal value (e.g. $154.23) would throw error: Input string was not in a correct format. Required Eclipse Online Server 1.67. |
| Supply and Fit sales extra was not including parts in cost price and internal supply was not being selected. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.69 & Eclipse Desktop 1410. |
| When creating a sale to a client with type 'dealer' the sale was not being marked as wholesale and stamp duty was still being calculated. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.70 & Eclipse Desktop 1411. |
| Screens that use system code descriptions were not loading correctly. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.70 & Eclipse Desktop 1410. |
| Saving a service booking with a blank time in causes it to display on the Eclipse Desktop Booking Manager book by days mode over two days. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.78. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.83 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Notifications are now available across your devices, phone and tablet. Get notifications even when the app is closed. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.81 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| When creating a new quote if you select a client before selecting an RV a error 500 would occur. |
| When creating a new quote and adding extras in some circumstances an error would occur on save/ Error details: "Error conveting value {null} to type System.Boolean Path 'extras[0].isRego" |
Eclipse Online Release 1.80 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Miscellaneous Jayco factory options will be hidden when under the all group. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.65. |
| Added the ability for each user to save their own filter on the prospect list. |
Defects Rectified | |
| The secondary client licence number was not being saved if a secondary client surname was not entered. Added validation to the saving of a client to ensure secondary client surname is required. |
| On quote paperwork sales extra codes marked as registration types are showing in both the sales extra section and the plus rego section. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1386 or Custom quote layout. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.78 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When switching between days in the ro booking list, if you scroll on a day with many ro's, then switch to another day the list on the right hand side would go blank. |
Defects Rectified | |
| When emailing a Quote/Sale the email address in the cc field was not receiving the email. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.77 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| When adding a new service vehicle and a new service customer, tapping the save button on the client detail screen would cause a blank white screen to display. |
| Adding a new quote to a prospect and selecting the stamp duty type would throw an uncaught type error: currentView.getDisplayControl is not a function. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.76 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When editing a quote you can now clone the quote from the right hand action menu button. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.62 & Eclipse Desktop 1375. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.74 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Sales and Quotes have a new feature to include on-road costs. Included in this update is the separation of Registration into its own section. Sales extra registration codes need to be added to the Eclipse Desktop in System Options-> Registration Processing->REGO (at sale time) |
| - Prospecting is now available from your mobile phone. - Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.59 |
Defects Rectified | |
| When emailing/saving a sale with no extras a value cannot be null error would occur. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.59 |
| If you select a lost prospect reason twice the selection list shifts the screen up and cannot be closed by tapping the done or clear buttons. |
| On mobile devices the stock type, stock status, stock class, valuer, and branch selections would cause the screen to shift up and could not be closed by tapping the cancel or done button if selected more than once. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.73 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| When adding a new client and entering the suburb an Uncaught TypeError would display. |
| Spelling error corrected in service clocking for sale type retail. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.59 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.71 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| New option added to display manufacturer cost pricing in the deal calculator for pending stock. Requires option to be enabled in the Vehicle Franchise setup. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.58. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1368. |
| When selecting a sales extra that is marked as "Automatically create a purchase order" a purchase order will be automatically generated after saving the sale. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.58. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1368. |
| When selecting an extra that does not use the stock number as the reference the reference in a sale would include "Q (quote)" instead of "S (sale)" |
| When adding a supply fit extra onto a quote/sale in Eclipse Online the RO request on the desktop would not list the supply fit job. Requires EclipseOnline Server 1.57 |
| When selecting a sales extra that is linked to a supply & fit job, editing the extra would not load the cost. Requires EclipseOnline Server 1.57 & Eclipse Desktop 1365. |
| On the sale/quote screen the title for the stock item was always displaying as 'RV' when the dealership did not sell caravans. Requires EclipseOnline Server 1.57 |
| In a quote/sale, selecting and existing stock item that has factory options attached would not automatically pull through to the factory option section on the quote/sale. |
| Release notes have been added to EclipseOnline. See all the great new features and bug fixes in each version that is released. Requires EclipseOnline server v1.57 |
| - Add the rego expiry date in the format mm/yy to the stocklist lookup. - Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.57 |
| Move the compliance year to below the build year on the stock entry screen. |
Defects Rectified | |
| The total cost field on the stock entry screen was not populating when a purchase price was entered or load was re-calculated. |
| When saving a sale/quote that has a sales extra that is marked as "Automatically create a purchase order" a type mismatch error occurs.. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.58. Requires Eclipse Desktop 1368. |
| On the stock/quote stock entry screen when the RRP is set from a factory model code the load is not re-calculating and remains at the default load. |
| Reduced the number of messages when load requires re-calculation due to the change of pricing/make/model to streamline the stock and quote stock entry processes. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.69 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| In a quote when selecting existing stock and searching by chassis number if you enter capital U instead of lower case u (e.g U67035 instead of u67035) the stock item cannot be found. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.55 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.44 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Adding a new client with a secondary client could cause a primary key error when adding the next client. Requires Eclipse Web Api 1.44 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.43 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| In Service booking the date in and date promised only displays up to the year 2015 and you cannot select 2016. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.40 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When adding a new quote rv the year will default to 2016 instead of 2015 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.37 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added the ability to entry secondary client details into the prospect |
| Updated the client prospect duplicate check to include prospects that are currently with salespeople |
| Added date of birth and licence number fields to prospect |
| Added new drop down to select the reason a prospect was lost |
Defects Rectified | |
| When booking in a vehicle in for service in the future you could not scroll back up to the current date |
| When recording communication notes the user was required to tap in the top left corner to get the keyboard display. Now they can tap anywhere on the notes screen |
Eclipse Online Release 1.28 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added the ability to add cause and correction to a in progress repair order. Requires Eclipse Web Api 1.30 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.27 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| When adding a new customer through the quote screen possible duplicate prospects will be checked displaying their current status and the salesperson they are currently with. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.28 |
| Sales extras can be setup on a model specific level to be automatically added to a quote. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.28 |
| When adding a new quote for a new customer a prospect will be created automatically and set to the quote stage. |
Defects Rectified | |
| When logged in as an Ultimate Administrator a quote could be saved without a salesperson |
Eclipse Online Release 1.25 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Quote: In portrait mode in the select existing stock screen the 'Clear Filter' button was not displaying correctly |
| Prospects: Changing client type to prospect shows company fields instead of client fields. |
| Adding additional factory options to an existing quote would remove existing selection. |
| When selecting and existing item from stock the manufacturer model code was not being populated. Requires Eclipse Online Server 1.26 |
| Converting a quote created from the eclipse online application to a sale in the eclipse desktop application would cause Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors when there is a trade in. Note: Required Eclipse Online 1.26 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.24 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added pull to refresh functionality to the stocktake list. |
| Added support for iPhone 6 to the Eclipse Stocktake Scanner application |
| Added the ability to perform a stocktake of vehicles from the Eclipse Stocktake Scanner. Requires Eclipse Stock & Accounting build 1247 or higher and Eclipse Online Server 1.23. |
Defects Rectified | |
| Stocktake list was showing the incorrect start date. Requires Eclipse Online Server v1.23. |
| When selecting existing stock from a quote if you tap on a list item repeatedly you get a blank white screen |
| If the quote expiry days is 0 or blank in system settings the quote list would show expired quotes in the quote list. Required EclipseOnline Server 1.24 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.23 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Factory Options were being incorrectly removed from the quote. Editing factory options and selecting save on items that were selected by list paging would case the options to be removed. |
| When editing an in stock or pending vehicle from stock and accounting (desktop application) and changing its cost price it was not being reflected on the quote deal calculator. Note: Requires Eclipse Stock & Accounting Build 1247 |
Eclipse Online Release 1.22 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Added new action menu item to view client communication |
| Performance improvement to screen load time when obtaining view options |
| When emailing a quote it will be added to client communication automatically. It will use the to, cc subject and message fields of the email. It will also contain the file attachment names . |
| If the quote vehicle has a stock number it will be displayed as part of the vehicles description in the quote deal calculator |
| Added pull to refresh to quote list. Simply pull down of the quote list and it will be reloaded. |
Defects Rectified | |
| New quotes would show RRP price when the system option to show RRP was disabled |
| When editing a sales extra and entering a non numeric value (e.g. $) in the cost or sale price field a validation error would not allow you to continue |
| New 2015 Jayco Base Station Caravan was showing variant of 23.73-6.OB.14BS instead of 23.73-6-OB-15BS |
| The cost of used stock in the deal calculator was not matching the stock card. Also the costs detail section was missing some costs. |
| Stock number and quote stock number will be displayed on quote paperwork |
| Entering new 2015 stock through the quote would display 2014 models in the variant selection |
| When entering the customers email address in the quote email screen the first letter of the email address is automaticaly defaulting to upper case |
| When creating a new client through the quote screen the customers address was not appearing on the quote paperwork |
| When enting a connection url in the change connection screen it would auto capitilise. E.g. mail.ultimate would auto correct to Mail.ultimate (the m in Mail is auto capitalised) |
| Creating a new quote and selecting email before saving would cause a 404 not found error |
| When quoting on a used vehicle the drive away price was being used instead of the asking price |
| Could not select client after duplicate client check prompt |
| Redbook licence key option is incorrectly reporting that it has been disabled |
Eclipse Online Release 1.21 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| Add the ability to stop salesperson from editing the quote pricing so that they only quote a RRP and then require a sales manager with the correct level of access to unlock the quote and edit the pricing |
Defects Rectified | |
| Quote notes are not saving when creating a new quote |
| Changing stock class was not changing the fields displayed on screen |
Eclipse Online Release 1.19 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| Quote preview was not showing factory option detail |
| Quote list was not matching Eclipse Stock & Accounting |
Eclipse Online Release 1.18 |
Eclipse Online
New Features | |
| You can now email a quote while editing a quote |
| Adding a repair order will now auto schedule based on estimated time |
| Quote deal calculator now available when editing a quote |
Defects Rectified | |
| In the quote edit screen attempting to save a quote after viewing the deal calculator would cause the application to remain on a loading screen |
Eclipse Online Release 1.08 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| multiple tapp issues resolved |
Eclipse Online Release 1.05 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| On the ipad when the application is bookmarked to the home screen the status bar would be black and you could not see the wifi signal strength or battery levels |
| Selecting logout would not show a progress bar |
| Creating a repair order then switching to another database and then editing an existing ro would cause an internal server error (500) |
| Fixed - Calculation of month comparison, is in next week, is in current week were incorrectly calculating dates. Updated functions to correctly calculate. |
| "Assigned to" user was not selecting the logged in staff id. |
| My Task list is now displaying only the tasks assigned to the logged in User/staff. |
Eclipse Online Release 1.04 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| adding a new service stock and then selecting the owner from the client search results would not populate the business of home number |
| Saving a new service stock would cause error 500 on second save after validation errors |
Eclipse Online Release 1.03 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| error is removed When saving a client on the ipad and pressing the save button repeatedly at a very quick rate an internal server error would occur and posibly a white screen would be displayed |
| When typing in a username the staff members default branch will be selected |
| Save existing ro and taping the saving button at a very fast rate would cause an error 500 - internal server error |
| fields are displaying properly according to class in edit mode as well |
Eclipse Online Release 1.02 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| When adding a new repair order and clicking the back button multiple times very quickly on the ipad you would be taken to a blank white screen |
| Removed the setting option from the navigation menu |
| Added filtering to the service bookings list to enable searching by ro id |
| Added invalid character removal to fields client street, street 2, postal street and postal street 2 |
| FIXED: Saving a new service vehicle was returning internal server error 500 - Invalid Column name Manufmodelcd |
| When logging into a branch where the user does not have security access there was a spelling error on the dialogue box |
Eclipse Online Release 1.01 |
Eclipse Online
Defects Rectified | |
| FIXED: saving client phone and address line two was not saving correctly |
| After adding client communication on a new client with a client image and then saving the client, the saving dialogue would never disappear |
| Added ability for ultimate administrator login |
| added validation on following fields: Mobile Number, Fax number, Business Number, Email address |
| Fixed: If you have multiple databases and switch database it does not refresh the branch list |
| Added stock color for stock details |
| FIXED: When entering the job concern on the repair order, if the user clicked done on the titlebar you could no longer close the notes window |
| Adviser and Booked By drop down list was displaying all staff not just service advisors |
| added new icon for dtock detail |
| When saving a new repair order using an existing service stock vehicle error 400 would occur |
| added slide menu in Stock list |
| added proper navigation it works now |
| added title bar for New/Edit in service stock details |
| FIXED: all fields are displaying correctly now according to the stock class |