Single Touch Payroll is changing!

All Employers reporting through Single Touch Payroll to the ATO must transition to the STP Phase 2 service. Eclipse Payroll has been certified by the ATO for STP2 and you are at liberty to convert to STP2 now, provided you have veriosn 7.2 or later. The deadline for UBS Customers to convert to STP2 is 31 October 2022.

New Eclipse Payroll Version that Supports STP2

Eclipse Payroll Version 7.6

Release date: 22 February 2022.

Transition to STP2

Eclipse Payroll users will be able to begin their transition to STP2 once they install this new version.


Some work will need to be done by Eclipse Payroll users to absorb the new STP2 changes. This work involves changing Allowance, Deduction and Leave setups and then confirming Employees are still setup and being paid correctly. We anticipate that this work will take the Payroll manager at most a few hours to complete for most of our customers. We have prepared extensive help to assist with this and made the process as simple as possible.


For information on the time frame and changes see here: STP2 Summary of Changes and Timeline