Stapled Super Requirements

From 1 November 2021, if you have new employees start and they don't choose a super fund, you may have an extra step to take to comply with the new ATO choice of fund rules.

You may need to request their ‘stapled super fund’ details from the ATO.

You can read more about this change here:

ATO Stapled Super requirements

All Versions up to and including v6.5.

We have a Workaround for dealing with Stapled Super Funds if you are on Version 6.5 or less.


Add your Employee to Payroll. You must enter a Super Fund for their SGC contribution before you can save them. If you have been given these then enter them.

But where the Fund Details have not been advised, then assign your Employee to any Super Fund and for the Member Number use "PENDING".

You will now be able to pay the Employee and advise the ATO via STP of the new Employee.

This in turn will allow you to request their Stapled Super Fund details from the ATO.

While you are chasing these details be careful not to include any SGC contributions for this employee in any batch Super Payments to the Funds.

Once you have the Stapled Fund Details, enter them into Eclipse (override the current Fund and Member number).

Save your Employee. You will be prompted during the Save as to whether any Pending Super transactions should be updated with the new Fund details. Be sure to select YES to this.

The System will then update the Fund Details for all pending Payments thus far generated. You can then send these Payments off to the relevant Fund.

Version 7 onwards


Add your Employee to Payroll. You must enter a Super Fund for their SGC contribution before you can save them. If you have been given these then enter them.

But where the Fund Details have not been advised, then assign your Employee to the special system Super Fund called "STAPLED FUND PENDING". 

Note that this will automatically set the Member Number to "PENDING". You should leave it as this or use a similar word to indicate the number is not known.

You will now be able to pay the Employee and advise the ATO via STP of the new Employee.

This in turn will allow you to request their Stapled Super Fund details from the ATO.

While you are waiting for these details note that any super contributions for this Employee will not be able to be processed in the Super Payments screen in Eclipse.

Once you have the Stapled Fund Details, enter them into Eclipse (override the current Fund and Member number).

Save your Employee. Note that the system will automatically update all Pending Super transactions for the Employee with the new Fund details (and you will be advised it has done this).

You can then send these Payments off to the relevant Fund.

Future Support

Eclipse Payroll will eventually support an integrated process for managing Stapled Super Funds that includes automatically requesting the Stapled Fund details from the ATO if not supplied by the Employee.

We are working with our Sending Service Provider to bring this functionality to Eclipse users in Q1 2021.