This is the step involves when employers want to register to use STP in Eclipse Payroll.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click Apply Online and fill in the form:

      Work through the 4 Steps above and submit your request.

2. You will then receive an email that contains a generated password.
3. At this stage please login to the Ultimate STP Portal using the credentials supplied in the email. When you login to the portal for the first time, it will ask you to reset the password.
4. Use the current user and password setting to set up the Single Touch Payroll settings in Eclipse Payroll → System Options.

If you're having any difficulties following the self registration process, then note that you can also get us to register you for the service by following these instructions:

  1. Email or call UBS staff and notify us of your:
    1. ABN
    2. Preferred username and password
    3. Your Eclipse Internet Username/password (AKA PPSR login details)

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