From Eclipse Payroll Version 7 onward, note that overriding the following Allowance and Deduction flags at Employee Level is no longer supported:

  • Is Subject to Tax
  • Is OTE (IE Subject to (Compulsory) Superannuation)
  • Is Show on Tax Summary (applies to Allowances only)
  • Is Part of Gross (applies to Allowances only)

As part of switching to STP2, the system will make changes to Allowances and Deductions so that Overrides do not exist.

Below is an example of a case where several Allowances have been replicated and changed to match the Overridden values for a given Employee.

We've highlighted how the original Bonus Allowance has been replicated and customised twice for two people who previously had been assigned the Bonus Allowance but had overridden values for Tax and Super.

The image above shows that Allowances have been replicated and changed to match a particular Employee's overrides and then the Employee has been relinked to the new Allowance.

Note that the new Allowance has the same name as the old one but with the Employee's ID added to it.

The above Allowance was created by copying the original "Bonus" Allowance that B Vella was attached to. In this case the Pay Compulsory Super flag had been overridden at Employee level for B Vella. The end result of changing the way this is handled is that B Vella now has a specific Allowance ("Bonus (1010)") set up for them with the correct settings.

Any Allowance and Deduction changes are audited in the Eclipse Payroll audit trail and they are also reported separately in a dedicated Log file, an example of which is below.

Allowance/Deduction Change Log
STP2RemoveOverrides() Action Log
Started = 4/05/2021 11:43:56 AM
Server = desktop-rm81r6s\mpdev2019
Database = acme
User = sa
** TASK: Remove Overridden Deductions **
Deduction Changed -> Deduction <1> <Super AT> Updated to match linked Employees (2)
> Changes: IsTaxed = True,
Deduction Replicated -> Deduction <33> <Staff Account>
New Deduction <2> <Staff Account (1007)> LinkedTo Employee <1007> <TRICKERY>
Deduction Replicated -> Deduction <32> <Child Support>
New Deduction <3> <Child Support (15237)> LinkedTo Employee <15237> <WASTE>
Record Changes: 3
** TASK: Remove Overridden Allowances **
Allowance Changed -> Allowance <17> <Laundry> Updated to match linked Employees (2)
> Changes: IsSupered = False.
Allowance Replicated -> Allowance <17> <Laundry>
Allowance Replicated -> Allowance <15> <Car>
Allowance Replicated -> Allowance <16> <Meals>
New Allowance <21> <Meals (1016)> LinkedTo Employee <1016> <DAY>
Allowance Replicated -> Allowance <16> <Meals>
New Allowance <22> <Meals (1022)> LinkedTo Employee <1022> <MILL>
Allowance Replicated -> Allowance <15> <Car>
New Allowance <23> <Car (14919)> LinkedTo Employee <14919> <LITTLEJOHN>
Allowance Replicated -> Allowance <16> <Meals>
New Allowance <25> <Meals (15119)> LinkedTo Employee <15119> <WILLIAMSON>
Record Changes: 7
Finished = 4/05/2021 11:43:58 AM