End of Year processing in Eclipse Payroll can be accessed from the main toolbar or from the Payroll Workflow screen as show below.

Before you can start paying people in a subsequent Financial Year, you must work through the End of Year Process for the current Financial Year to finalise that FY and allow the system rollover to the next FY.

The instructions for EOY processing typically vary from year to year. Be sure to select the correct Instructions for EOY processing.

Current End of Year Instructions

Instructions for End of Year Processing for FY 2021/2022.

How to Rollback End of Year Finalisation

To rollback your end of year processing so that it can be adjusted, use the Rollback function in the EOFY Screen as shown below:

Selecting the Rollback function will reverse EoFY processing so that the FY can be adjusted.

Note that any SGC changes introduced by the new FY will NOT be rolled back however.

How to close a Financial Year EARLY

To close the current Financial Year early, use the Close Early function in the EoFY screen as shown below:

You should only close early if you are Closing the business.